Chiro Essentials Differential Diagnosis - 7th Edition
$ 40.00
About the Book
Chiro Essentials Differential Diagnosis is the seventh edition of a very popular set of lecture notes used by the author to teach Differential Diagnosis to chiropractic students in one of the leading chiropractic colleges in the USA. This clear and readable text deals with the Art and Science of Diagnosis and focuses on common problems as they present in patients. Clinical points are highlighted for easy reference. Charts, tables and lists throughout the text summarize the important features of over 240 diseases that may be encountered in the chiropractic primary care setting. This material is very beneficial in providing a thorough and rapid review for the clinical components for students preparing for NBCE Parts 2, 3 and 4. It is also a handy desk reference for practicing doctors of chiropractic.
Title: Chiro Essentials Differential Diagnosis
Author: J La Rose
Publisher: J La Rose
ISBN-13: 978-1-61539-603-0
Language: English
Pages: 210
Binding: Perfect bound
Dimensions (inches): 8.5" x 11"